Calming Minds Hypnotherapy



Please read the following, knowing this is only one of many outcomes


WOW WOW WOW! Tim was the first person to help me on my healing journey. I suffered from an insane amount of PTSD, social anxiety and consequently debilitating depression. Upon meeting Tim I was consumed by my mental illnesses and felt powerless. Thankfully, my lucky stars brought me to Every Breath and it was only up hill from here. His unique ability to support and guide me through each and every traumatic experience and in turn rewrite the narrative is remarkable. With him there was no ‘time heals all wounds’ so just stick it out and see what happens fear anymore. Each session, I felt instant relief. I saw life in a completely different light and felt brand new again. I was able to release so much pain, trauma and fear around my toxic experiences. This was completely new to me and I will never ever take Tim’s work for granted. I cannot recommend Every Breath enough. If you knew me and my state I was in before Tim embraced me with his unique talents and healing techniques, you would also 100% agree. This man is a miracle worker. Thank you Tim. You have given me a chance at life again and I’m so grateful to have been blessed with your magic!


Minds Hypnotherapy