Calming Minds Hypnotherapy


Unwanted Patterns

& Calming Minds Outcomes



I have, as many others have also, had series of tragedies throughout my life. My mind relived the happenings, the pain and grief endlessly until I was shut down with endless depressive episodes, acute and chronic anxiety and debilitating panic attacks. I have for 50 years tried to change my minds habits with many forms of medical and alternative methods but have not been able to sustain the tiresome effort day to day and eventually had to rest and restore never being truly healed.i have now been to Tim and may I say from the very first session my mind was lightened, cleared and calmed. Week after week totally five sessions my clarity of mind is still living within me each day. I am now mindfully strong and keep myself alert to my negative mind chatter without mammoth effort. I am amazed by the simplicity Tim has afforded to me through his therapy sessions. He is a wealth of care, knowledge and support and I suggest those who struggle with mind matters give this therapy a try. You will benefit from it. I am so grateful for my new healthy perspective and a body free of tension and trauma.



I went to Tim with a open mind and a 20 to 30 cigarette habit per day and health in bad way.

Tim over 3 sessions had me 100% cigarette free. Its been over 3 weeks and no smoking and believe me never to wanna take it up again. Tim is the most nicest kindest human being I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing and would greatly recommend him to any one who needs to quite a addiction and quit for good. Thank U Tim for saving my life.



I am so so grateful to Tim for helping me understand, learn and develop the hypnotherapy skills which he taught me how to use in changing past traumatic experiences from as far back as 35 years ago, which has controlled my emotions and behaviour ever since then. Today was the test of my life to see if these skills would work for me in facing and overcoming my greatest fear. I am so grateful and glad to report that today i have just conquered the greatest fear of my entire life, which was the dentist. I was able to overcome it thru the help of the hypnotherapy skills that Tim has been teaching me over the past 6 weeks. I am so grateful because I was at a point that I did not know how I would ever face my greatest fear. BUT I DID IT AND I AM SO PROUD IF MYSELF!

THANK YOU Tim for enhancing my life for the better…




WOW WOW WOW! Tim was the first person to help me on my healing journey. I suffered from an insane amount of PTSD, social anxiety and consequently debilitating depression. Upon meeting Tim I was consumed by my mental illnesses and felt powerless. Thankfully, my lucky stars brought me to Every Breath and it was only up hill from here. His unique ability to support and guide me through each and every traumatic experience and in turn rewrite the narrative is remarkable. With him there was no ‘time heals all wounds’ so just stick it out and see what happens fear anymore. Each session, I felt instant relief. I saw life in a completely different light and felt brand new again. I was able to release so much pain, trauma and fear around my toxic experiences. This was completely new to me and I will never ever take Tim’s work for granted. I cannot recommend Every Breath enough. If you knew me and my state I was in before Tim embraced me with his unique talents and healing techniques, you would also 100% agree. This man is a miracle worker. Thank you Tim. You have given me a chance at life again and I’m so grateful to have been blessed with your magic!



My gratitude knows no bounds for the transformative impact Tim has had on my 15-year-old son’s life during a challenging period. When we first approached Tim, my son was in a difficult place, but after just one session, the positive change was undeniable. Witnessing the improvement in his happiness and resilience, along with the noticeable boost in self-esteem, brought immense relief to our family.
Tim’s sessions turned out to be the catalyst my son needed, sparing him potentially years of traditional therapy. I cannot express enough thanks for the invaluable service Tim provides. His dedication and expertise have truly made a significant and positive difference in my son’s life, for which I am endlessly grateful.


Minds Hypnotherapy